A 15 year old boy who wanted to testify in court regarding a care order has lost his appeal.
The boy and with his younger half-sibling were put into care due to concerns of neglect. This followed evidence that their mother planned to leave them while they were at school, with no provisions for their care.
In a county court hearing the 15 year old sought permission to testify so that he could fully express his desire to be returned to his mother. The court dismissed his application and issued care orders for the two children. The boy appealed this decision.
While in foster care the boy absconded to see his mother and he remained adamant that he wanted to return home.
The Court of Appeal ruled that the county court judge had made the right decision and that she had explained to the boy that she did not need to hear further testimony from him. The Court of Appeal also agreed that the mother in this case had been neglectful. It dismissed the appeal and granted the care order.
Photo by Anthony M. from Rome, Italy via Wikipedia under a Creative Commons licence
what happened to the child’s right to be heard?? uncrc art 12