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MP calls for UK involvement in American divorce

A Conservative MP has called for the UK to intervene in a US divorce.

Gavin Williamson, MP for South Staffordshire, wants to help a British woman living in California who has been told she cannot leave the state with her infant son until her divorce is complete.

The woman’s marriage to an American multimillionaire “fell apart” not long after the birth of their son, Williamson claims. Her husband then applied to a local court for orders which banned her from taking her son to the UK.

Speaking before Parliament, Williamson said that these court orders were “making it as difficult as possible for her to bring up her son in the way she wishes”. He added that the woman, who lived in Staffordshire before moving to California, was “desperate” to return home so that her family could meet the boy for the first time. At the moment, she is “away from her family and relies on their emotional support during this extremely difficult time”, he said.

The Tory MP then submitted a petition which urged the government and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to “press the issue [with the appropriate authorities in California] and get a resolution to the problem at the earliest possible stage”.

He claimed 154 of his constituents had signed the petition which seeks to help the woman “return to the United Kingdom with her son as soon as possible”.

Photo by DncnH via Flickr

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  1. its a very unbalanced sexist landscape says:

    The world is fast changing, most unfortunately, family law and its remit lag far behind the multitude of mixed relationships that develop. What about the poor man in this particular case? Most importantly, the poor child ? I sincerely do think mixed relationships with people from different countries require a policy from governments which actually place the significant impact which is placed upon each and every child.
    If the roles were reversed and the constituent was a man, would we actually ever here about such a situation? It will be the same old story that the woman needs her family support, that she is suffering etc etc. Win’s her case and the poor child gets to see her biological dad how often?
    Far more should be done to address relocation and the child’s needs of two loving parents placed into significance. Sorry, but in my eyes its pure sexism and I would undertake any test to show my ability to cook, clean, love my child, just as well, if not better than any woman. If we strive for equality, it should be equal for everyone, not just women who are treated with such high regard in family issues. Its antiquated and one day we will look back just like we do upon gay issues, race issues, its about time we were all treated the same.

  2. Luke says:

    He claimed 154 of his constituents had signed the petition which seeks to help the woman “return to the United Kingdom with her son as soon as possible”.
    If I could sign a counter petition to help the father retain his right to see his son on a very regular basis without having to travel to a different continent then I certainly would.
    The extraordinary statement that she is being denied the right “to bring up her son in the way she wishes” – clearly without reference to the father – shows the warped expectations stacked against fathers in residency cases.

  3. Andrew says:

    And it’s this foreign legislator’s business because?

  4. Yvie says:

    I just wonder if the father in the case is also having a difficult time. There is no mention of his wishes in the upbringing of his child.

  5. JamesB says:

    Another example of a poor MP. Like the example of the MPs who stood up and said that there is no tax on men’s razors yet there is a tax on tampons, then they got it reduced and donated to charity. Except men pay 20% on shaving inc. razors blades etc. they all have 20%. SNP woman said it in Scottish Parliament. Labour woman said it in Houses of Parliament. They are the two I know about from Hansard. There were probably more. Also like refuge lobbying for financial independence for women from men currently (except maintenance) and their rights to pay or not pay for what they want and to have what they want whether it means they go in debt or not and if they can afford it or not, provided the man or household pays depending on the discretion of the woman.

    I don’t know what the answer is hear but it sounds like a couple arguing over status quo and it is very sad and upsetting for the child concerned and I feel very sorry for him.

    I also can appreciate the father not wanting to lose his son and think the sound of the article and argument and the MP is bollocks. Especially given the prejudices of the courts in England and Wales against shared residence and fathers.

  6. JamesB says:

    An article about a politician from main parties supporting shared care or non resident fathers or against CSA CMEC CMS . Think I get fed up listening to all the anti male bias in the media. Like on radio 4. Problem is MPs go for it as they think it wins them votes. It loses them mine and I don’t think I am the only one, think millions of people are turned off by the feminist politics.

    I don’t support the father here either as I think he will win as money tends to win cases sadly. I just want a bit more peace and less name calling and lawyers fees. Don’t think that’s too much to ask for. I class MPs as lawyers also, bad ones.

  7. JamesB says:

    More church involvement and people staying together.

  8. JamesB says:

    Like the disproportionate penalty fees for the CSA / CMEC / CMS of 4% for women 20% for men outrageous that.

    On a separate note, Merry Xmas everyone.

  9. Anonymous says:

    The same holds true the other way around. My son is two years old and my American family has never laid eyes on him.

  10. andrew says:

    In fact, this woman wants to take this boy to a foreign country where he has never lived.

    I hope our respected and beloved Foreign Secretary tells the Member to stay out of it.

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