First of all, you should consider protecting the family home, whether it is your own or rented. Arrangements should be put in place to continue any payments regarding the property or properties. You should not forget any insurance or endowment policies. If you are genuinely unable to maintain these payments, you should get in touch with the mortgage provider or landlord and the other companies concerned.
There are many ways that a settlement can be reached concerning the family home. It is imperative to get independent legal advice so that you can negotiate, while knowing what a court would be likely to decide. There are lots of myths surrounding the fate of the family home and lots of personal anecdotes but it is best to ignore these and concentrate on the facts of your particular case.
When you know the facts, when you have both provided a full and frank disclosure of finances, when you both realise what type of settlement you both need, then and only then can you decide what to do. When these initial steps have been taken, whether amicably, through mediation, you can then examine any offer on its merits and know whether your partner is being reasonable or not.
Your spouse may have offered a sensible package or, on the other hand, this information could draw your attention to the possibility of a better deal for you. Your solicitor would offer guidance in this matter.
Sometimes there is no alternative. If it is not possible to agree on arrangements regarding your finances, the property and the children, it will be necessary to go to Court. Each case is different but there are common issues which would be examined by the court. The law in England and Wales does not mean that there is a fifty-fifty split regarding property and assets but each side must realise that there is only so much money in the pot to go round. The court would look at all your circumstances, some of which are detailed in one of our previous articles,
A court could order the sale of a property and apportion the proceeds between both parties in any way it chooses. Or it could split the ownership differently so that one party retains an interest in the property until a later date. It could order a lump sum to be paid, endowment or life policy to be split or reassigned and the pension pot could also be allocated differently. It can also consider any inheritance if it seems that two properties cannot be bought with the declared financial assets.
If there aren’t any children, the marriage has been short (with the exception of a marriage later in life where one spouse may lose a home after having given up all rights from a previous divorce settlement), and both parties are able to support themselves having equally invested in the property, then the home would probably be sold and assets divided equally. Again, the court would consider the above list of considerations.
This, of course, would be ideal. The primary concern of the court would be to provide a suitable home for the parent with the main care of any children while providing a home where they could visit the other parent. The above list of considerations would again be consulted.
The court could consider selling the property and dividing the proceeds according to the needs of each spouse so that two smaller properties could be bought. If this is not financially feasible, then the first consideration of the court would be any dependent children. A home must be provided for the children irrespective of the other parent’s plans and aspirations.
The court has wide powers in apportioning assets. It could rule that one parent maintains a financial interest in the property, say until the children become independent. When the house is sold, the proceeds, after paying off any mortgage, could be divided as previously ruled by the court. This could be fifty-fifty, seventy-thirty or any combination. This is known as a Mesher order. It could also arrange for a lump sum to be made to one party in lieu of interest in the property. The court’s powers are wide.
But it could also rule that the deeds of the house are transferred in full to one party. When it is impossible to secure any other assets, this is sometimes the only security the court can give to a parent with care of the children, usually the mother.
Steps may be taken to protect your interest by registering this with the Land Registry. This could ensure that the property cannot be sold or further charges placed on the property without your knowledge, pending negotiations or legal proceedings. This is purely to protect your interests. Discuss this with your solicitor.
If the atmosphere at home has become unbearable or there is domestic violence and one of you chooses to leave, that person does not lose any entitlement to a claim in the property. If you are leaving, it could be prudent to collect your personal documents as it could become difficult to obtain them at a later date if circumstances and emotions change. Again, this could be discussed with your solicitor or the police in an emergency as the law could possibly provide various ways of protecting you and any children.
In England and Wales, a Home Rights Notice is a protective measure for individuals who don’t own a property but have rights to live in it. They are usually used when people continue to live in their partner’s property during divorce or civil partnership dissolution.
By submitting a Home Rights Notice to the Land Registry, the non-owning partner can protect their right to live in the matrimonial or civil partnership home and prevent the sale of the property until matters are resolved and the notice is lifted.
A Home Rights Notice is a safeguard measure to ensure that the interests of non-owning partners are acknowledged and respected during any potential sale of the property. It doesn’t change the legal ownership of the property, instead it provides the non-owner with two vital elements of protection:
When submitting the details of your finances, this should also be declared. A new partner’s property cannot be placed in the pot, but a court could consider that there would, therefore, be more money available to provide for the other spouse’s accommodation, particularly when children are concerned. Likewise, if a new partner has moved into the ex matrimonial home, then the court would assume that the new partner is contributing to the running expenses of the household. If either of you has plans to remarry, this should also be declared.
Steps may be taken to protect your interest by registering this with the Land Registry. This could ensure that the property cannot be sold or further charges placed on the property without your knowledge, pending negotiations or legal proceedings. This is purely to protect your interests. Discuss this with your solicitor.
Sometimes staying in the family home can be rather burdensome and expensive. It may be an ongoing financial struggle to keep up with payments: mortgage, insurance, council tax and utilities. Consider the upkeep too. If one of you usually did the decorating, odd jobs and the garden, could you do this on your own or pay for someone else to do it? Your new budget may not have provision for this. If you have children, maintaining the family home could result in less money to go round for them and, as we all know, children’s costs increase, not decrease, as they grow older.
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