Stowe Family Law announces international partnership
Stowe Family Law (Stowe) has partnered with Australian Family Lawyers (AFL) to create a referral programme for international family law clients between the two countries.
Thousands of Britons head for a new life in Australian every year making them the second-largest group of overseas migrants in Australia with an estimated population of 1.2 million. Here in the UK, over 130,000 Australians have made Britain their home.
“We are delighted to announce the relationship between two like-minded firms looking to support more clients to resolve their family law issues across both countries,” said Ken Fowlie, Chair at Stowe.
He continues:
“Stowe’s growth into the UK’s largest specialist family law firm has seen a rise in the number of divorce cases with an international element, particularly from Australia. This partnership is a natural fit to ensure we can provide best-in-class legal advice for both our UK based clients and those living out in Australia.”
AFL Executive Chairman, Grant Dearlove said:
“Our relationship with Stowe is a step forward in offering our clients the best advice available in navigating the legal landscape in the UK.
With the growth of AFL to become the largest specialist family law firm in Australia, our family law team is becoming increasingly consulted by both Australian and UK clients who require specialist jurisdictional advice and representation in the UK.”
He continues:
“Stowe shares the same values as AFL, through client focus and execution. This relationship broadens our service to help more clients in Australia. We look forward to working with our friends in the UK to continue the growth and success of our businesses”.
For further information, please contact:
Kate Nestor, Stowe Family Law, [email protected]