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supriya divorce coach

Dr Supriya McKenna

The Life Doctor

I am a divorce and separation consultant, specialising in working with people in a relationship with, or leaving, a narcissist or struggling to deal with post separation abuse.


Supriya is a former medical doctor (GP). Since training to be a coach at The Coaching Academy, she has specialised in supporting those who have experienced narcissistic abuse, or have a narcissistic partner or ex, and has many years of experience consulting in this field.

As a well known expert, Supriya offers various free resources, including a podcast (Narcissists in Divorce: The Narcissist Trap), blog and articles. 

She is the best-selling author of the books: Narcissists in Divorce: From Lovelocked to Leaving and The Narcissist Trap, and regularly posts insights on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.


With an empathic and validating manner, Supriya offers no nonsense practical guidance for those separating from a narcissist, throughout the process and post-separation through one-off consultations, regular consultations, or ad hoc advice.

She works with many clients to help manage/write communications with the narcissist, write statements for court, liaise with lawyers and help with post-separation abuse. She also supports many litigants in person, as they navigate the family court system.  

Supriya can also help with post relationship issues, such as becoming ready to date again, boundary setting, and advice regarding recovering from narcissistic abuse.

Accreditations & awards 

General Medical Council

A little bit about Supriya 

Outside of her work, Supriya loves country living with her two children and Labrador, and sings in a choir.


Areas of Expertise


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