Just over twelve months ago this blog was born. I knew, from my experience as a divorce lawyer representing thousands of clients, that those going through divorce often feel isolated, alone, unsure of where to turn – and lack confidence and self esteem.
I started this blog to offer regular readers and visitors a route to access support and information to help them cope with divorce as well as offer what I hope has been an understanding ear to those in difficult situations. This approach seems to have worked. The site now attracts several hundreds of visitors a week from 128 countries worldwide and I regularly receive emails from those anxious for some support. I have replied to everyone who has contacted me.
It’s been an interesting year in the law, and writing the blog has made me even more obliged to keep up with the raft of judicial decisions. I’ve been particularly interested to read the varying approaches of the judiciary as they struggle in their different ways to interpret section 25 MCA – which governs financial payouts – and apply its varying provisions, in financial cases.
Some people say the English judges have too much flexibility rather than certainty of outcome but I disagree. It allows them to follow socio-economic changes – upturns as well as downturns – and apply the law to fit people’s changed circumstances. If ever such flexibility were needed, it is now. Applying a strict formula for division results in injustice in good times and I believe, even more so in bad times.
On a different note, the blog has also given me the opportunity to write a little bit about my life which I hope helps to humanise both the blog and me!
I am particularly proud that I have a following from my peers within the industry with regular visits from most of the local and regional firms – as well as many national and international heavyweights. Academic institutions within the UK and overseas are well represented as well as some notable visits from both the Houses of Parliament and the Pentagon.
Examination of the most-viewed pages reveals your fascination with the intricacies of divorce – and in particular cohabitation. The top five most visited posts are:
1. Cohabitation and the Common Law Marriage Myth
2. Fees, Legal Aid and Everything You Need to Know about Sears Tooth Agreements
3. Dirty Divorce Tricks – Part I
4. Maintenance, Remarriage and Barder Events
5. The CSA: Questions and Answers – by Rachel Baul
While divorce tricks and cohabitation remain top search terms – some of my favourites from over 10,000 different search terms include:
What women want for Christmas
How to tell if he’s cheating
Adultery epidemic
Best friend affair
Knight in shining armour
So to all of the 22,000 readers this year, thank you so much for your interest. I hope to continue to keep you informed, entertained and intrigued as we move into 2009.
Very best wishes,