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School administrator fired for supporting gay marriage

A school administrator has been fired from his job at a Catholic school in Ohio for writing a blog post in support of gay marriage.

Thirty-four year old Mike Moroski was dismissed as dean of student life earlier this week after the principal of Purcell Marian High School in Cincinnati became aware of an post on his personal blog entitled Choose Your Battles.

According to a report on Good Morning America, Moroski had written:

“I unabashedly believe that gay people SHOULD be allowed to marry. Ethically, morally and legally I believe this. Gay marriage is NOT something of which to be afraid.”

The post was inspired by an earlier Facebook discussion with a friend who opposed same sex marriage.

When word of the posting reached the local archdiocese, Moroski was told to take the post down, recant his comments and “agree to publicly not disparage the archdiocese”.

He said: “I really, really believe in my conscience and the morals I’ve developed in my lifetime in the Catholic Church,” he said. “I knew from the get-go I wasn’t going to take [the post] down.”

Moroski said he missed his pupils:

“Because of the stance I’m taking, I can’t be with them, but I hope they know I’m doing it to reinforce what I’ve taught for 12 years. Be kind to everyone.”

He added:

“I have experienced God more in the past week than my entire life. I feel like I’m on the right track.”

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