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Man reunited with his dog ten years after divorce loss

A man from the US state of New Hampshire  has been reunited with the dog he lost to a divorce ten years before

Jamie Carpentier found a familiar-sounding basset hound on the website of the Humane Society of Greater Nashua when looking for a new dog. After viewing a photo, he soon realised it was the animal he had lost in his divorce a decade earlier, with her distinctive large paws a major clue.

He told local TV station Wmur:

“I remembered her paws. She always had these gigantic paws.”

According to TV station’s report, Ginger, now 13, recognised her former owner as soon as they were reintroduced and licked his face in greeting. “She knew it was me,” said Mr Carpentier. “It was me and my father that were there and she just recognized us.”.

Mr Carpentier’s ex-wife took the dog following their divorce in 2003 but she abandoned the dog shortly afterwards. Ginger was then adopted by an elderly couples but they eventually became too frail to look after the animal, so she was returned to the Humane Society in the hope of finding her a new home.

Mr Carpentier said he had always wondered what had happened to Ginger following the split and was now determined to hang on to the hound.

“She’s going to live with me to the end. I just want her to be happy and live a good dog life.”

Photo of Nashua, New Hampshire by Doug Kerr via Flickr under a Creative Commons licence

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