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Nearly 80 per cent of Child Support Agency parents are now paying

Just under 80 per cent of the parents currently targeted by the Child Support Agency (CSA) are paying maintenance, according to new figures.

Out of a total of 882,200 individual cases being handled by the agency in December last year, 701,500 were paying maintenance – 79.5 per cent or just under four in five.

The figures represent a slight drop the 80 per cent of cases actively paying maintenance three months earlier.

In just over 95 per cent of CSA cases, the father is the ‘non-resident’ parent – ie not living with the children.

Steve Webb,. the Liberal Democrat Minister for Child Maintenance said the figures indicated a society in which taking financial responsibility for one’s children was “just considered the norm”.

“A third of children now live in separated families and we know that the overwhelming majority of parents want to do what’s right by their kids – even if they’re no longer with the other parent. Wherever possible we want parents to work together for the sake of their children – not against one another. Supporting your children after a break up is just what most parents do these days.”

Photo by Wirawat Lian-udom via Flickr under a Creative Commons licence

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  1. JamesB says:

    “the overwhelming majority of parents want to do what’s right by their kids”

    Typical Politician speak which means nothing. I’d like a politician to address the issue on if they think the CSA promotes single parenthood and less marriage and the breakdown of society. As I do think.

    I have only ever heard one politician have the guts to address those real issues rather than saying glib things like we all want the best for our children. That was Charles Kennedy, who agreed with my opinions on the CSA also. He said it was the biggest regret of his political career contributing to setting the CSA up.

    He said it was the worst thing the Houses of Parliament had done since he was there and wishes he had fought against it or could repeal it. He is a Lib Dem too. Look it up if you don’t believe me. Most politicians won’t now address such issues as these or immigration as they are regarded as too difficult and a potential political minefield. Hense the statement above which doesn’t really say anything for fear of getting involved and siding with one side or the other.

    If you side with the pwc you risk isolating over a million men and vice versa. Who’d be a politician. They should have stayed out of the courts business they would be less alienated from the public now if they had and more respected. Such statements as these reduce their standing yet further with the public as does any party’s support for the csa in my mind and many millions of others and they struggle with the issue and I hope if goes away as do they. Preferably back to court instead.

  2. JamesB says:

    Also, paying while the pwc is rich and with another fella who they left the nrp for who is also rich while the nrp struggles and is a large sum as per the csa law is morally well dodgy.

  3. JamesB says:

    To say the least.

  4. JamesB says:

    Paying Regardless of whether the other partner is denying contact is also wrong.

  5. JamesB says:

    Should have read being liable in such a situation is wrong.

  6. naomi says:

    nice to see we agree this time jamesB.

  7. John says:

    People over-paying, people under-paying and people not paying at all. £3.8 billion remains uncollected.

    CSA 1, CSA2, CSA3. Those on CSA 1 Pay 30% more.

    It’s a complete ‘not fit for purpose’, ‘shambles’.

    Publishing a collection rate, does not wash with me, it’s smoke and mirrors.

    Common purpose, does not hide the fact, that maladministration is rife, and that are no proper legal avenues available to those trapped in the system, because it’s compliancy at any cost, through flawed legislation, that I and others have not subscribed to.

  8. A Dad says:

    The CSA/CMEC/CMG whatever they like to be called are thieves, bullies and above all backwards.
    I have and am dealing with theses monkeys.
    The system have neglected to use the the word Father/Dad, that would imply that they are dealing with a human being rather than a nrp who as we all know have been portrayed as the deadbeat…. more lies and corruption.
    The fact of it is if you pay monies towards your children then you should be entitled to see your children on a regular basis. But this isn’t the case, nrp’s are penalised regardless of weather they do pay or don’t pay.

    If the mother gets money towards upkeep of their child and the mother refuses the non res parent ( Dad/ father) access, send them to jail ( harsh… not likely thats what men are faced with if they don’t pay, Payment Vs seeing your child)

    Money and access are 2 separate things because thats how the “law” sees it.
    If I pay for my child to be fed, clothed,and watered then why should I go without seeing them??? It makes no sense. Who would be suffering… 2 people. Thats fair ????

    The system does not care, thats why they are separate issues and has zero standing with the dicks at the csa.
    The “support” agency don’t care if that child doesn’t see its father, because we (who?)financially “support” for the child . And they wouldn’t know how to deal with the upset that they themselves bring on the parents and children.

    So is the system morally wrong? Do I really need to argue that.
    If mothers stop the father seeing his children when there is no problem with finances then sling the good for nothing idiots in jail for a week. Why can I say this, because thats exactly what the men are faced with. Morally wrong I hear you women cry… wake up and have a big look at the bigger picture.
    The CMG ( new word for csa)will collapse and then a much more fair idea ( not system) will rise.

  9. JamesB says:

    Interesting that the abolished the CMEC name.

    I mean Enforcement Commission, sounds like concentration camp for NRPs or something. Like nrp pain establishment committee perhaps.

    Do they know what they are doing? I think not, just pandering to feminist lobbyists like Gingerbread and messing up society in the process!

  10. John says:

    So, nearly 21% are not paying!

    How does this make it a fair and proper system.

    If solicitors want to make a ‘fast buck’, they should look at ‘restorative justice’ for all victims of CSA maladministration!

  11. Adam W says:

    The whole system is a joke, I agree i should pay money to my daughter (which i do) but do i get to see her growing up? No, dont be silly, dads dont have any rights, so while i struggle to pay rent, the ex and her rich husband get to go on holiday every few months, well done CSA you truly are leg-ends

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