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Women who marry after 30 earn more, study claims

Educated women who marry after 30 are earn an average of 56 per cent more than their younger siblings, a study has claimed.

By contrast, men who marry in their 20s have higher incomes than older husbands – regardless of their education.

According to the study, entitled Knot Yet: The Benefits and Costs of Delayed Marriage in America, women who marry before age of 30 are more likely to have a child during the crucial early phase of their career, lowering their earnings.

Men, meanwhile, gain confidence from marriage and that increases their productivity according to an analysis of the study by Business Insider.

However, couples who marry in their 20s are statistically more likely to split up then those who walk up the aisle later.

The average age for marriage in the US is 29 for men and 27 for women, a rise of three and four years respectively since 1990.

Over a lifetime, men who never marry earn less than those who do, while women who never marry earn more.

Knot Yet was conducted by the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia.

Photo by Julie Elliott via Flickr under a Creative Commons licence

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  1. Lukey says:

    This seems to be another study with an axe to grind.

    Obviously one of the key reasons women who marry after 30 earn more is because they end up having fewer children or NEVER end up having children – women’s fertility drops off a cliff soon after 30. So they put much more of their efforts into work instead of raising children.

    I am not advocating women marry before 30 or after 30, personally I don’t mind either way, but this article suggests if you marry after 30 you can ‘have it all’ – and there is no evidence shown for that.

  2. JamesB says:

    Risk of getting married late is not having children or being able to find a nice man – esp. if they all married in their 20s. Try to be objective and uncontroversial.

  3. JamesB says:

    My last post was trying to be uncontroversial.

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