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Actress Lena Headey in money dispute with estranged husband

British actress Lena Headey pleaded financial worries in a recent financial dispute with estranged husband Peter Loughran.

The actress, best known for her starring role in highly successful fantasy drama Game of Thrones, claimed to have “less than $5 in her bank account” in response to an ‘emergency’ claim by Loughran for half a substantial $46,000 tax refund.

Headey married the Northern Irish musician and former hairstylist in 2007 but they separated in 2011 and she filed for divorce the following year.

However as the rebate dates relates to 2011, it may be classed as matrimonial property and so subject to division during divorce proceedings.

The first season of Game of Thrones was broadcast the same year, featuring Headey as queen regent Cersei Lannister.

According to a TMZ report, the actress pushed for an advance on the yet-to-be issued tax refund, claiming that she needs $6,000 to cover her living expenses while she waits for income from her acting work.

She offered Loughran an additional $6,000 to cover his own living expenses but said she wanted the rest to be held in a dual signature bank account until they have reached a settlement.

A judge rejected both her and Loughran’s applications.

The couple have one son, Wylie, now three. Last year a court prevented Loughran from taking their son back to Ireland over Christmas, after Headey made allegations about his lifestyle.

The actress, now 39, was born in Bermuda but spent part of her childhood in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire.

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