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Katy Perry’s mother grateful for her divorce

Pop singer Katy Perry claims her mother was delighted by her divorce from comedian Russell Brand.

The 28 year-old performer said:

“I’m pro-gay marriage and want equality between genders. My mom thanks God every day for my divorce.”

Perry’s parents are both Pentecostal pastors and raised her in a religious atmosphere, she added.

“Growing up, I wasn’t allowed to listen to non-religious music. Madonna, my idol, was considered worse than the devil.”

The singer met Russell Brand on a film set in 2009. They were  married the following year in a traditional Hindu ceremony near the Ranthambore tiger sanctuary in India. But he filed for divorce just 14 months later, in December 2011, citing ‘irreconcilable differences’.

Perry’s apparent unwillingness to have children with the comedian contributed to the split according to reports. She was quoted saying:

“A baby can’t have a baby-and I’m still a baby”.

Their divorce was finalised in July 2012.

After a subsequent relationship with musician John Mayer, Perry reportedly hired a ‘heartbreak coach’ to help her recover from the earlier marriage.

A source told Grazia magazine:

“It seems breaking up with John has made Katy realise that she’s still harbouring a lot of grief about Russell that she never properly dealt with at the time. She feels seeing a heartbreak coach is the only way to resolve this.”

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  1. Lukey says:

    Well, perhaps she should have made clear to her spouse that she wouldn’t have kids – it doesn’t seem like there was a lot of communication does there ?

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