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Nigeria outlaws gay marriage

Nigerian legislators have unanimously approved a bill outlawing gay marriage on pain of a lengthy jail sentence.

The bill declares that “persons that entered into a same-gender marriage or civil union contract commit an offence and are jointly liable on conviction to a term of 14 years’ imprisonment each”.

Politicians in the West African nation also voted to criminalise gay organisations and clubs, as well as public displays of affection between same sex couples. Penalties include up to 10 years in prison.

The bill is now expected to go to Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan for ratification.

Rashidi Williams is director of local gay rights group Queer Alliance. He told AFP:

“[The bill] has the potential to encourage instigation of violence against gay people and lesbians. Being gay … is a right and that right must be respected and protected by lawmakers and the state.”

According to a report in The Guardian, the bill is the latest in a series of similar laws passed by African nations who believe they are standing up for traditional traditional values.

Photo of Nigerian flag by jbdodane via Flickr

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  1. Scott Downer says:

    This will add to our immigration problem from immigration to trafficking affect of Terrorist and a Health issue. This is not the equality of People. Will destroy the growth to our kids. Might as well cancel all marriage and no more tax loopholes. Change the way we occupy our Jails. How can anyone approve two guys adopting a baby girl? How sick does that sound? Trafficking would be legal just about.. This is so stupid even to think about gay marriage. Are we really becoming barbarians of entitlements to such a law? Where does it end? pets? Where does it go? How far?
    ” Bacterial Meningitis Infections Accelerating Among New York Gay And Bisexual Men ” Gay is a Attention disorder people that have no respect for themselves and do not communicate good with others.

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