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Government launches online video to raise awareness of ‘Sorting Out Separation’ web app

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has launched a new online video to raise awareness of its Sorting Out Separation web app.

The one minute video, called Sorting Out Separation: Parents Working Together, depicts a boy’s journey through childhood and adolescence to adulthood with positive contributions from each parent along the way.

Jerry Karlin, the Chair of Families Need Fathers, said:

“From before his first ride on a bike and passing his exams, through to his first day at work and first home, this video shows the real value of separated parents cooperating and working together to ensure children’s wellbeing and happiness.”

Julia McGinley, Head of Support at Netmums, added:

“Sometimes it’s difficult for mum and dad to be together, but even though they are no longer in a relationship they can still work together to support their child. Dads have a hugely valuable role to play in children’s upbringing, and this Father’s Day we encourage everyone to share this video to say thank you to them.”

Viewers of the video are told:

“Growing up is challenging for any child. It’s even harder if their parents have split up. That’s why it’s important for separated parents to work together to help their children through life’s obstacles. Sorting Out Separation signposts the way to find advice and support, celebrating the role that both parents can play in a child’s upbringing.”

The web app app, launched in November, offers information on the various legal and practical issues surrounding the end of relationships between parents.

The DWP hopes to raise awareness of its new video through an active social media campaign.

The blog team at Stowe is a group of writers based across our family law offices who share their advice on the wellbeing and emotional aspects of divorce or separation from personal experience. As well as pieces from our family law solicitors, guest contributors also regularly contribute to share their knowledge.


  1. JamesB says:

    I wonder why there is a man included in this video? Completely unrealistic. As a nrp male you are excluded from everything and called names and blamed and expected to pay for the privaledge, nothing more.

    The line about being involved in parents evenings etc. is complete and utter bs and the government should be ashamed of itself. Complete spin and nonsense and propaganda saying this is how things ‘work’, when they do not. I say it so strongly because such videos actually encourage people to split up when doing so is against the children’s interests.

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