American actress Kristen Bell has proposed to fiancé Dax Shepard on Twitter following the Supreme Court’s ruling on gay marriage.
Earlier today, the Supreme Court declared that the federal Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional for defining marriage as “taking place between a man and a woman”.
Kristen Bell shot to fame in drama series Veronica Mars and later appeared in Heroes and Forgetting Sarah Marshall. She has been dating actor and comedian Dax since 2007 and they announced their engagement in January 2010. But the couple decided to delay a wedding until same sex marriages became legal again in California, as a gesture of solidarity to gay friends.
Last year the actress told Celebuzz:
“We’ve been very vocal about not wanting to be married in a state that doesn’t allow that right to all of its citizens. We’ll wait until California gets on the right side of history.”
Shortly after the Supreme Court ruling, Bell tweeted her fiancé:
@daxshepard1 will you marry me? Xo #marriageequality #loveislove
In March, Bell gave birth to the couple’s daughter, Lincoln Bell Shepard.
Who are these people ?!?
Dear Lukey
You mean you don’t know?!!!
Sorry Marilyn, I’ve clearly got a massive gap in my education, I will busily try and rectify it… OK perhaps that last bit was a fib 🙂
Let’s hope Dax Shephard (whoever that is) said No ! 😀