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New online video for children with divorcing parents

The Family Justice Young People’s Board (FJYPB) has launched a new video aimed at children whose parents are separating.

The FJYPB is an advisory board made up of young people who have experienced the family justice system. It was set up by Cafcass – the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service –  to provide direct insights into the views and perspectives of affected children.

The new video, called Who is Cafcass and what do we do?,  features interviews with two  members of the board – 18 year-old Jess and 15 year-old Kitty –  along with11 year old Ewan. They discuss their personal experiences of the family court system and recall how

Cafcass Family Court Advisers (FCAs) listened to their concerns and provided support.

Kitty says:

“I had a great FCA. She spent a lot of time with me and I felt like I could talk about anything with her. And because of that, it made it much easier for me to tell her my wishes and feelings in relation to the court case.”

The video explains how Cafcass works in divorce and similar family proceedings, when the courts are asked to  decide where children with live (‘residence’) and how and when they will see the other parent (‘contact’).

The new video joins existing two videos aimed at parents who are separating or divorcing, also available on the Cafcass website.

Cafcass Chief Executive Anthony Douglas said:

“While we would encourage parents to resolve their disputes outside of the courts wherever possible, it is an unfortunate reality that some will need to call on the courts for assistance. At a time where more parents may be approaching the courts without the assistance of a solicitor, due to recent changes to legal aid provision, it’s important that we provide information in easily accessible formats….We only have a short period in which to work with parents and families and it’s vital that we use this time to put arrangements in place to ensure the best outcome for children.”

The blog team at Stowe is a group of writers based across our family law offices who share their advice on the wellbeing and emotional aspects of divorce or separation from personal experience. As well as pieces from our family law solicitors, guest contributors also regularly contribute to share their knowledge.


  1. JamesB says:

    The problem with this video is it isn’t true.

    I mean in my case the officer interviewed my son and daughter. When my daughter answered that she liked things as they were the officer applied pressure for her to change her mind – I will never forgive them for that.

    When it comes to appeals or complaints forget it. Basically is not as fair or right as they pretend it is.

    I can go into the manipulation a bit more – things like why why why until she got tired and said oh whatever or something then the officer said she didn’t know her own mind. Not video’s only have her word on this – which doesn’t count apparently and cafcass and I don’t talk anyway.

    So, no, they are not fair. My ex got her reduction to contact order, despite what the children wanted because cafcass are bad. Now they and I are sadder as we see less of each other as courts don’t enforce contact orders – they prefer to tell you that your kids are best seeing you less – that and this video are really evil actually.

  2. JamesB says:

    Cafcass are not a good organisation, they need to be disbanded and their work and budget given to social workers, or others better at this work – practically anyone but them. Else family court will become less relevant and sharia law and other law more and that wouldn’t be good.

  3. JamesB says:

    They also do not recognise PAS or parental manipulation and if one parent coerces child to say something they close their eyes to that.

  4. JamesB says:

    Which is also very bad process.

  5. Nick Langford says:

    I thought CAFCASS had abandoned the young people’s board some time ago, or is this a new venture? They need to use the honest views of young people who have experience of CAFCASS to feed back into the organisation and improve their services. This is exploitation for the purposes of propaganda. There are videos by young people expressing a much more objective and realistic view of CAFCASS elsewhere.

  6. JamesB says:

    Yes Nick, agree with that and you say it better then my English too. I think we shared some of the same feelings when we saw this and think on it and see it the same in most part. I did find it very distasteful. Without wanting to get too emotional about it in putting children in the middle of the feminist war zone etc.

  7. Online Divorce Application says:

    Yeah, Agree with James and nick. Especially They need to use the honest views of young people who have experience of CAFCASS to feed back into the organisation and improve their services..
    They need to think about that.!

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