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In The Name of Honour

Sara Charlton Charitable Foundation (SCCF) and Christie’s are hosting In The Name of Honour, a contemporary art exhibition and educational programme, exploring violence against women and the female body. The event will be running 19th – 22nd September at One Mayfair, London.

In The Name of Honour highlights the need for legislation to be changed in order to outlaw domestic violence. The free educational sessions, hosted by top Criminal Behavioural Analyst Laura Richards, will explore the many facets of domestic abuse, including mental, financial, physical abuse, stalking and honour based violence.

The programme will include victims’ own accounts of abuse, the warning signs and the importance of preventative work, including the need to change attitudes in society as well as aspects of the law.

One in four women in the UK suffers from abuse in their lifetime and 3000 cases of honour-based violence are reported each year. The Sara Charlton Charitable Foundation (SCCF) is dedicated to helping victims of domestic abuse in the UK.

The sessions are open to anyone and free to attend and all works on display are available for purchase.

Image by INTVGene

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  1. Stitchedup says:

    “In The Name of Honour highlights the need for legislation to be changed in order to outlaw domestic violence”

    Uhmm, it already is outlawed.

  2. JamesB says:

    I don’t understand how you can have violence against women that is not against the female body. Perhaps if your ex husband beats up the current boyfriend? Is that what it means, I am really not sure about that. I like reading about feminism, like I like watching it on tv, it makes me sad sometimes though how self-defeating they are. Why not just say all violence is bad.

  3. Stitchedup says:

    Feminist political organisations are continually broadening the definition of domestic violence. As I’ve said in other posts on this blog, it can now be shoe horned to fit even the most trivial of domestic disagreements. Here are some definitions from Women’s Aid:

    Disrespect includes – “not listening or responding when you talk”

    Denial includes – “saying the abuse doesn’t happen, saying you caused the abusive behaviour, being publicly gentle and patient”

    So Watch out guys you really can’t win. If to keep the peace or avoid escalation you choose to ignore your little princess the next time she throws a tantrum, you could find yourself accused of domestic violence. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t; you can be convicted for talking to her if she chooses to enforce the silent treatment or convicted for not talking to her if she chooses to bend your ear.

    If you then say you weren’t abusing her by choosing not to take the bait you will be in denial, and please remember to appear aggressive and impatient when in public not gentle and patient…. The fact that you may be relaxed and enjoying yourself is not an excuse for hiding the REAL you.


  4. Luke says:

    I went to the Sara Charlton Charitable Foundation website – it’s quite remarkable – they don’t even acknowledge that domestic violence against men exists…

  5. Stitchedup says:

    The SCCF is (and I quote) “the only charity that gives solely and directly to women and children victims of abuse”. Like many other feminist organisations masquerading as aid organisations, domestic violence against adult men is not even on their radar. I certainly hope public money isn’t finding its way to an organisation that openly admits they exclude one half of the adult population. It never ceases to amaze me how sexism against men is so openly tolerated and ineed encouraged in the UK. As we have seen recently at the ministry of justice, feminist political correctness is at the very heart of the UK legal system. To describe this as a disgrace is an understatement of massive proportions, it is positively dangerous and is responsible for countless travesty of justice and is damaging the very fabric of society in the UK…. e.g. a million children in the UK having no contact with their father.

  6. u6c00 says:

    Here’s one from Men Stopping Violence, a US based organisation:

    Claiming “the truth,” being the authority, defining her behavior, using “logic.”

    Using logic is a violent and controlling behaviour? I imagine all the computer programmers are in trouble.

  7. Stitchedup says:

    on several occassions I’ve been accussed of something similar – “being too clinical”. The first time was when my ex wanted to give-up work, my response was that if she wanted to give-up work we would have to redcue our monthly outgoings so something would have to be sacrificed – e.g. her car. The next thing I know I come home from work to find her parents sat in my lounge demanding that my ex should be allowed to give-up work becasue I earned more than their other son-in-law and his wife didn’t have to work. I was accussed of being too clinical when I pointed out that their monthly outgoings may be somewhat different to ours.

    The second time was when we hit the end stop on the bank account. I was away on buisness at the time and couldn’t understand why as I was living on expenses. When I returned home I went through the bank statements with the ex. We could identify who spent what via the card numbers and she was spending a fortune, e.g.£3500 spent at Tesco alone over a period of 3 months!!

    Checking bank statements will of course be considered domestic violence as I will be perceived as controlling her spending… best just let her run up the debts then, sod the overdraft!

  8. Bill says:

    I think we might be missing the point here. One of these institutions is a government agency with the cover of a phony charitable trust. The other is a private enterprise that stinks of money, and no doubt equally right-wing in orientation. This is just more Arab-bashing to justify racial hatred, militarization and ongoing wars, but it’s couched in politically correct language that makes you think that violence is much more pervasive.

    Well, it probably is, or has become so, since we live in a country whose leaders have done such an excellent job of modeling violence, and communicating to us that its actually okay so long as the victims live on the other side of the Mediterranean.

  9. Luke says:

    “I think we might be missing the point here.”

    I don’t think I am missing any point, I’m just drawing attention to how extremely biased the SCCF is against men – that was my point.

    I do agree with them that honour-based violence is a problem which has been allowed due to political correctness to transfer and grow in this country and needs to be stamped out with punitive sentences.

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