Stowe Family Law Senior Partner Marilyn Stowe is a featured celebrity expert on a new self-help website aimed at women who have experienced adultery or other unfaithful relationships.
Woman Scorned aims to provide “a one-stop shop if you’ve been cheated on! Support, advice and fun after adultery and infidelity.”
The site features a range of informal articles, links and information, ranging from the serious (links to organisations which deal with abuse and domestic violence) to the light-hearted (horoscopes and spa treatments). There are guides to the divorce process and finance following a split, along with opportunities for users to share and discuss their experiences, even a password-protected personal diary section, for when “…you can’t write things down incase they are seen by the wrong eyes but you need to record things – either as potential evidence or simply as therapy.”
“Life’s about more than just revenge!” site visitors are told. Woman Scorned was launched yesterday at the Ritz hotel in London.
Very disappointing to see yet another gender/female biased website being launched to address what is essentially a gender neutral issue. As someone that has been on the receiving end of infidelity, I can assure you that women engage in inappropriate emotional and physical relationships at least as often as men. After all, it takes two to tango!
Unfortunately, in my experience women are more likely to use false domestic abuse allegations to justify their infidelity or to hide their true motives for divorce/separation.
As you may know and as readers of this blog and viewers on This Morning know I do try hard to remain gender neutral in family law and come in for a lot of stick on both sides. But there it is. Both sexes suffer from the fall out of relationship fall out, that’s my position and it will remain so.
I understand a men’s website is in the cards.
Hi Stitchedup,
As Marilyn rightly says Men Scorned is being launched early 2014 to redress the balance. Watch out for it.
As you, and we at Women Scorned, are already aware infidelity knows no gender, race or sexuality.
Women Scorned is certainly not anti-men and is opposed to revenge of any form. It is a safe haven of advice, support, hope and laughter for anyone who has been dealt the coup de grace in a relationship.
Thanks for the info Marilyn and Jo, nice of you to respond in person.
Best Regards.
A lot of female clients have to experienced the unfortunate heartache that comes with infidelity. Often times it is case where my client and her ‘soon to be ex’ hubby have been married for 2+ decades and have 3 children together. Very sad, very devastating.
Ditto for men Matt, the only difference being men are more likely to be the subject of false domestic abuse allegations as the game gets under way.