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Government to double education funding for children in care

Government funding for the education of children in care will more than double from April next year.

The ‘Pupil Premium’ provides additional funding to schools with disadvantaged pupils, including those in care, to support their education and close the “attainment gap” with their classmates.

It is currently paid at a rate of £900 per pupil, but from next spring the amount paid for pupils in care will increase to £1,900. It will be payable as soon as they enter care, rather than after the first six months as currently. Ten thousand additional children will also benefit, bringing the total to approximately 50,000.

The increased funding will cost the government £100 million, up from the current £100 million.

Children in care do not perform as well as other pupils at school, achieving lower exam results and few A grades.

Edward Timpson [above] is Children’s Minister. He said:

“Children in care face unique challenges at school and often struggle to keep up with their peers at both primary and secondary level. It’s vital that these vulnerable children are given the targeted support they need and the education they deserve to help them get on in life.”

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  1. Tulsa Divorce Lawyer Matt Ingham says:

    Call me a bleeding hearted do gooder, but to me, helping disadvantaged children is a positive step in the right direction.

  2. Luke says:

    Well I doubt anybody is going to “Call me a bleeding hearted do gooder” – but I have to agree with you.

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