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Divorced people more likely to die in accidents, study claims

Divorced people are more twice as likely to die in preventable accidents than their married friends and neighbours, according to a new study.

Researchers at Rice University and the University of Pennsylvania examined the ways in which status and relationships affect life expectancy.

Analysing data from the National Health Interview Survey, they compared more than 1,300 adults who had experienced serious accidents in the 2o years to 2006.

Divorced people fell victim in significantly higher numbers to the most preventable causes of accidental death – specifically fire, poisoning and smoke inhalation.

However, they were no more likely than married people to die from the least preventable causes of accidental death –for example, air crashes.

Lead researcher Justin Denney said:

“…marital status is influential in that it can provide positive support, may discourage a partner’s risk and offer immediate support that saves lives in the event of an emergency.”

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  1. Luke says:

    The implication in all these articles is that you should remain married – which is silly as you often have no choice in the matter anyway. You cannot end up divorced if you don’t marry – that’s the key.

  2. Andrew says:

    I suppose if you abolish marriage the divorce rate will start falling and eventually reach zero.

    When the Abortion Act was passed a newspaper the Daily Express had a cartoon by Osbert Lancaster (who else remembers him?) showing one crusty old Oxford don saying to another “Let me remind you that before they admitted women to the University the abortion rate among the student population was to all intents and purposes zero!”

    Andrew, you politically incorrect old f*rt, get off the blogs and get down to some work!

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