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Exam results improve for children in care


More ‘looked after’ children, in the care of local authorities across England, are achieving A grades at GCSE, according to new government figures.

15.3 per cent achieved five or more A* grades at GCSE over 2013, including English and Maths, a jump of 4.4 per cent since 2009.

However, the Department for Education reports, the number of other children achieving the same result was significantly ahead, at 58.8 per cent, and this ‘attainment gap’ has increased since 2009.

Nearly 70 per cent of looked after children have special educational needs and in the year to March they were twice as likely as other children to be permanently excluded from school, and nearly three to,es as likely to be excluded for a fixed period.

During the same period, around 50 per cent of looked after children aged five to 16 were judged to be either ‘borderline’ or to give ‘cause for concern’ regarding their behaviour or emotional health.

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  1. vob re says:

    Is it any wonder that looked after children suffer emotional problems when there is little consideration to the fact that a ‘dysfunctional family’ who love their children will never be replaced by material practicalities or severance from their true family. The failure figures will continue to rise. You cannot erase a loving bond and cannot be equaled however good the
    intention ; there should be no such thing as ‘Forced
    Adoption’. Foster carers should encourage contact’.

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