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Divorce & Splitting Up book: 5,000 copies now sold

We were delighted to note recently that my book Divorce & Splitting Up: Advice from a top divorce lawyer has now sold more than 5,000 copies.

In  times and upheaval, a little knowledge goes a long way.

Remember – you don’t need an actual Kindle e-reader to read a Kindle book.

When we published the book last year, our aim was to provide an accessible and affordable guide through the choppy – and, let’s be honest, sometimes stormy – waters of divorce and separation.

The end of a relationship can be a very confusing and emotionally turbulent time, and it is one which many people must now face without legal guidance. It is a year since the government abolished legal aid for most family law cases and the consequences are becoming ever clearer.

The blog team at Stowe is a group of writers based across our family law offices who share their advice on the wellbeing and emotional aspects of divorce or separation from personal experience. As well as pieces from our family law solicitors, guest contributors also regularly contribute to share their knowledge.


  1. Ely says:

    I am 58 married 35 years, am disabled but do work, husband in new relationship. When I was young I was the main carer of the children and equal bread winner. First hearing the judge was clearly biased. Husband had refused mediation costing me £255 fee for financial settlement has not cooperated with divorce process, gave in old pension data, 6 months statements, lied all through the form E. Has moved money to partners account, draws out large sums in cash out each month, like £1000 worth, he owes me money won’t even pay the buildings insurance (half). He also only gave me form E etc 6 days before first hearing. Judge said nothing about that, won’t allow 24 months statements said lets see what 12 months says. He said he cannot order partner to disclose her statements as he does not have the power to do that. I said but it is like the 2 of them are clearing out the account so he can say, he does not have any money to pay me the £6500.00 he owes me for repaired roof etc . I told the judge I am concerned this is premeditated fraud,he said nothing but has ordered proper docs to be submitted in 6 weeks. My husband laughed all the way through, and the judge did not comment on his mockery of me. I don’t want him to deal with the next hearing as all I will end up with is 50 per cent and there is not enough equity for me to buy again. What can I do. Thanks Elly.

  2. Jane 'Williams' Saunders says:

    Interested to hear a reply

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