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Green Party ‘open’ to legalising polygamous civil partnerships

The Green Party would be open to the idea of legalising polygamous civil partnerships, according to leader Natalie Bennett.

In a question and answer session for LGBT news site PinkNews, one reader bemoaned the “considerable amount of legal discrimination” experienced by those in polyamorous relationships.

The reader, Dr Redfern Jon Barrett, said he was currently “living with his two boyfriends in a stable long-term relationship”. He then asked Ms Bennett if her party would support “group civil partnerships or marriages”.

She responded that although the Greens do not yet have a policy on civil partnerships which involve more than two people, she would be “open to further conversation and consultation”.

Ms Bennett, who has been the party leader since she replaced Caroline Lucas in September 2012, said that the Greens “have led the way on many issues related to the liberalisation of legal status in adult consenting relationships”.

She added that they are unique in British politics because their “policies are developed and voted for by our members”.

Later on, Ms Bennett announced the launch of the party’s LGBTIQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer) manifesto ahead of this week’s general election. She said that discrimination against this community is “still all too common in our society” and had to be fought against.

Back in 2013, Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey claimed that if gay marriage was legalised, polygamy would follow.

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