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US Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage expected this month

The US Supreme Court is expected to issue its latest ruling on gay marriage legislation within a matter of weeks.

The Court unexpectedly announced plans to review existing legislation in January, despite having previously declined to review rule on the status of same sex marriage in five states – Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Indiana, Utah and Virginia – where previous bans had been overturned when judges ruled they breached the United States Constitution.

Justices of the Supreme Court focused on the legality of gay marriage bans in five other states – Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee – considering whether not these prohibitions also breach the United States Constitution.

The current Supreme Court term comes to an end in June and it has historically waited until the final week of that month before making rulings likely to have the largest impact.

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  1. Dorcas Nduati says:

    Gay marriage? God have mercy

  2. Andrew says:

    Oh Dorcas, they are not making it compulsory. What does it matter to you or me?

  3. Luke says:

    Haven’t you heard Andrew ? Gay marriage has been causing floods and earthquakes – our imaginary sky god is seriously hacked off !

  4. Sara says:

    Luke get real people marring for love dose NOT cause earthquakes or floods. There hasn’t been an earthquake in Riverside, Ca in over a week, we are on the San Andres fault line. Plus we are currently in a drought. So if it doesn’t concern you leave it alone.

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