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Australian couple threaten divorce if gay marriage legalised

A Christian couple in Canberra, Australia, have provoked an online backlash after threatening to divorce if gay marriage is legalised in the country.

Nick and Sarah Jensen have been married for ten years, but recently told Canberra City News that they would consider splitting if the Australian federal parliament recognised same sex marriage. Mr Jenson, a former Christian lobbyist, said he and his wife would separate to demonstrate that marriage is “not a human invention”, the Telegraph reports.

The decision had not been taken lightly, he insisted, saying:

“If our federal parliament votes to change the timeless and organic definition of marriage later on this year, it will have moved against the fundamental and foundational building block of Australian society and, indeed, human culture everywhere.”.

The couple would continue living together, he explained, but they would no longer be man and wife.

Following publication of the comments, a Facebook event called Celebrating Nick & Sarah Jensen’s DIVORCE! was created by fellow Canberra resident Jesse Mount. He wrote:

“They have decided that being married together in a country where it’s legal for a man and a man to marry, or a woman and a woman, is just too horrible. They’d much rather be divorced and I think we should all support and celebrate in their decision when the date finally does come.”

Mr Mount added:

“We sure hope there won’t be any backing out on their behalf as hundreds upon hundreds of gays and gay rights supporters come to rejoice in the parting ways of these narrow minded citizens which so many of us are ashamed to call Canberrans.”

More than 170,000 people have indicated that they plan to attend the yet-to-be-scheduled event. The event page has also attracted hundreds of comments, the majority from gay marriage supporters, with many addressed to the couple personally.

Read more here.

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  1. Andrew says:

    I’m not sure whom they expect to persuade by this tactic . . .

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