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Parents: Brexit will leave children worse off

Almost half of British parents believe that the UK’s departure from the European Union will leave their children worse off than previous generations.

In a survey conducted by polling organisation YouGov 47 per cent of parents think their children will be disadvantaged as a result of Brexit. By contrast, less than a third believed leaving the EU would benefit their children.

Parents were “largely pessimistic” about what their children would face after Brexit. At least two thirds thought they would have to provide more financial assistance to their children than they received from their own parents. The cost of living was a concern for 77 per cent of participants, with many worried about the potential rise in shopping bills if imported food becomes more expensive. As many as 40 per cent believed their children would struggle to travel or work within the EU once the UK had officially left.

More than 1,100 parents were polled on behalf of Website director Simon McCulloch said the survey revealed “a strong sense of ambiguity around the impact of Brexit on future generations which, in turn, is generating a general sense of anxiousness amongst UK families”.

With so much uncertainty about what effects the decision to leave will actually have, it is “likely that many parents will be watching their wallets even more closely over the coming months” McCulloch predicted.

Earlier this month children’s charity Coram demanded that the British government pledge to protect the rights of children once the UK has left the EU. CEO Dr Carol Homden insisted it was vital that “every child can face the future with safety and security through and beyond the transition out of the EU”.

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  1. keith says:

    well im happy to say the Anti Farage squad hasnt scared me into that 47%. lots of talk but lets see how it unfolds rather than do the crystal ball routine.

  2. spinner says:

    So 53% felt it would lead to their children being better off, sounds like a good move then.

  3. Stitchedup says:

    Given the UK voted to leave the EU by 52% to 48% this would appear to be non-news.if anything you could conclude that 1% of the remain voters are actually more optimistic.

  4. JamesB says:

    I think keeping the door open to unlimited labour and migration, competing for the same jobs as our children and with the effects on social cohesion was not a good alternative. The majority agreed with me on that as said by the other two posts, despite the establishment trying to divert people from that issue. I am pleased people did not fall for the patronising and name calling and establishment knowing better line. Perhaps that was the effect of Iraq.

    Personally I did not feel happy voting on the matter and would rather it had been sorted out by Blair and previous politicians making the right decisions, Brexit has been a failure of politics and I hope we end up with a better EEC or EU instead rather than the mess we have.

    • JamesB says:

      p.s. Yes, I do mean by that with the UK in it. Its the unlimited freedom of movement that needs to change, else we leave. As Gibbon said, like the decline and fall of the Roman empire, by paying off their neighbours they hastened the decline. Same was true with the Chinese and Ghengis Khan and the Mongols. I resent the EU not listening about the migration issue, even though I did not vote for him or like the man, I very much resent the way they treated our Prime Minister David Cameron when he asked them to help him with the issue. If we can’t get a deal then we should set up our own EEC and try and bring down the EU. With regards to article 50, as said before its the administration, and like the name calling on an unreasonable behaviour petition a side show.

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