A British couple who divorced 18 years ago are to remarry.
June Rose and Bob O’Sullivan, now both in their 60s, originally met at an ice rink and married in 1979. Talking to the Metro, 60 year-old Julie recalled:
“It was a small, but lovely wedding. My sister, Lynda, now 58, was my bridesmaid and I wore a white dress. Walking down the aisle, a big smile on my face, I never thought we’d divorce. I thought I’d found my happily-ever-after.”
They went on to have three children but the relationship gradually ran out of steam, she explained.
“Our divorce was as amicable as divorce can be. There were no cross words or flung plates, just a realisation that we were no longer a team.”
June and Bob both remarried and had little contact for a number of years. Then in 2007 their son Lee died suddenly at Bristol Royal Infirmary after developing a blood clot on his lungs. The former couple were then reunited by the sad task of planning Lee’s funeral.
Julie told the paper:
“People couldn’t believe we were together, as previously we’d not really spoken. We’d been united by our love of Lee and our shared sadness.”
Gradually the couple go to know each other again. Finally, both found themselves single after Julie’s second marriage broke down and Bob’s second wife Sue died, also from lung problems (but not before urging her friend Julie to take care of Bob). In May this year Bob and Julie went on their first date in four decades.
Eventually the pair admitted to each other that had fallen in love again. In October Bob proposed during a trip to Amsterdam, while the reunited couple were enjoying a ferry ride, Julie explained.
“Our children were delighted when we told them.”
Bob has now moved in with Julie. He told the paper:
“I’m so happy how things have worked out. I think Sue would be happy for us too – she wouldn’t want me to be on my own. Julie and Sue became great friends over the years.”