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Wedding photographers offer tips on spotting divorce

Wedding photographers offer tips on spotting divorce

A new article on The Huffington Post offers a wedding photographer’s eye view on the dynamics of the big day. Professional photographers from across the United States recount their experiences amongst the confetti and champagne and suggest that, with careful observation, it’s sometimes  possible to predict which couples will end up divorcing before the reception is even over.

Journalist Brittany Wong rounds up eight wedding day phenomena observed by the photographers which, they say, don’t bode well:

1/ A camera-shy bride or groom:

A reluctance to be photographed even on a person’s own wedding day and help preserve the moment is a bad sign says one photographer, because it suggests that the person is not willing to compromise or that do not really respect the feelings of the spouse who hired the photographer.

2/ More than one in five of the people invited to the wedding turned the couple down:

While it’s usual for around 10-15 per cent of the people invited to a wedding to say they can’t come, 20 per cent up could suggest that the couple’s friends and family know, even if only subconsciously, that the marriage is unlikely to work.

3/ The couple seem to be trying too hard:

A newly minted bride and groom who seem to be straining for a glossy, perfect wedding shot that will look great on social media may lack real chemistry and a natural sense of connection , claims Brittany Wong,

4/ Tension and brawling amongst the guests:

Rows, drama and actual fist fights amongst the wedding guests are all “very bad” signs and can lead to entire weddings being cancelled, even on the day itself.

5/ The couple don’t see eye-to-eye over money.

The stereotypical example would be a bride who wants a fabulous, glamourous wedding for all their friends and family finding herself arguing with a soon-to-be- husband who resents paying what he sees as a fortune.

6/ The couple bicker or make sarcastic remarks about each other during the wedding:

Even if the couple claim these remarks are only jokes and badinage, one photographer claims the situation will only worsen and steadily erode the marriage.

7/ The couple have nothing in common:

Couples who share nothing beyond physical attraction are unlikely to stay together very long, one Mexican photographer claims.

8/ The newly married couple ignore each other at the reception:

If the wedding photographer finds themselves struggling to capture any photos at all of the happy couple at the reception, talking, dancing or laughing, tension may already be brewing.

Read the full Huffington Post article here.

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