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Wishing you a calm Christmas

Six tips to help you navigate this Christmas with less stress and more calm

Let yourself say no

You don’t need to accept every invitation. A packed diary will increase stress as you struggle to balance everything. So learn to say no, and don’t feel guilty.

Be grateful

Focus on looking at things to be grateful for. The smallest and simplest of moments can bring happiness and peace.

Don’t overspend

Don’t get into debt for presents. Instead talk to friends and family and look at other solutions. People may also be struggling to buy so will welcome the conversation. Do a family secret santa so all buy just one gift. Or agree with friends to just buy at birthdays and leave Christmas for the kids.

Manage expectations

If you aiming for a Pinterest / Instagram perfect Christmas, stop now. It’s not realistic and will leave you exhausted and disappointment. Focus on what matters to you and who really cares if the mince pies aren’t homemade?

Keep it simple

We all love the idea of Christmas traditions. But don’t put yourself under pressure to have extravagant and expensive ones that leave you exhausted. Keeping it simple and focus on spending time together will give you traditions that last for years.

Remember, the perfect Christmas is a myth

It really is. So don’t focus on an un-achievable dream and instead simplify your Christmas, focus on friends and family and remember less is more.

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