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What is RTT and how can it help you through a divorce?

What is RTT and how can it help you through a divorce? As part of our Stowe guests series, we are joined by Louisa Hope from Therapy Knutsford, who joins us to explain how RRT can support you through a divorce.

What is RTT? 

Rapid Transformational Therapy is a relatively new therapy that harnesses the power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Neuroplasticity within the framework of a deeply relaxing hypnosis to successfully obtain the root cause of what is holding you back or disempowering you.

Using a number of powerful and liberating tools, RTT uproots the old limited beliefs and meanings that the mind has held onto subconsciously, it reframes them, creating more supportive and positive beliefs in their place. This work is special because it goes straight to the core of the issue without discussing lots of history and creates fast and permanent results generally within one-three sessions.

Neuroplasticity creates new pathways in the brain, installing more positive, life-enhancing beliefs in place of the old, limited, outdated ones. Neuroscience is regarded globally by some of the most highly acclaimed psychologists as one of the most effective ways of creating lasting change for numerous complex emotional, psychological and physical conditions. 

RTT does this through a bespoke home hypnosis that accompanies the session.

RTT has succeeded in transforming people’s lives where others have failed and continues to gain recognition across the world attracting an audience with The Royal Society of Medicine, Mind Valley, Ted Talks and receiving a number of Gold Stevie Awards including ‘Best Pharmaceutical’.

Support through divorce

Firstly, RTT can effectively treat severe anxiety, depression and other concerns associated with divorce such as grief, loneliness, self-sabotage and feeling overwhelmed. 

During divorce many experience periods of ‘fight or flight’, the body’s response to heightened stress which can cause havoc with relaxation, sleep, memory, digestion and general wellbeing. 

RTT promotes the recovery of this highly stressful state and aids relief through reconnecting to the parasympathetic state.

Losing your partner and accepting your relationship is over can bring up a lot of emotions. You may know it’s for the best but it doesn’t take away the pain of separation and it may trigger old attachment wounds from your past. Any underlying emotional wounds from childhood can also be healed, any ‘chinks in your armour’ can be restored, giving you the phenomenal coping skills you need to face the challenges of separation head-on.

Secondly, using the power of neuroplasticity a tailored home self-hypnosis recording is created for you that helps you develop new empowering beliefs that support you and move you away from stress and anxiety. This is a really helpful daily one month practice that creates permanent, lasting, positive change.

This transformation recording is like your armour, you can listen to it when you need a boost, before a difficult meeting or hearing and also help you relax for a restorative night’s sleep.

Finally, RTT can help you make the patterns in your life that you don’t want, ‘Unfamiliar’ and in turn make what you do want your ‘Familiar’. 

Interrupting old patterns that don’t serve you and helping you create and maintain healthy boundaries allows you to break any old habits that may have left you vulnerable to emotional abuse or accepting less than you wanted in your relationship. 

These changes will help you attract more of what you want in the future. Each session starts with one question, ‘If I had a magic wand and you could have anything, what would it be?’

To contact Louisa Hope at Therapy Knutsford for a free, confidential discovery call on 07510 714447 or visit or email: [email protected]

All sessions include follow-up support.

Legal advice on divorce 

If you would like any advice on divorce or other family law issues please do contact our Client Care Team to speak to one of our local divorce lawyers.

The blog team at Stowe is a group of writers based across our family law offices who share their advice on the wellbeing and emotional aspects of divorce or separation from personal experience. As well as pieces from our family law solicitors, guest contributors also regularly contribute to share their knowledge.

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