This has been a busy week – even by my standards!
In addition to my day to day work, I was invited to appear on BBC 1’s The One Show, to discuss the imminent introduction of the Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission (CMEC). It is set to take over from the much-loathed Child Support Agency. However, as I have noted in previous posts about the CSA, there are already question marks over this replacement organisation’s fitness for purpose.
I note that on The One Show’s blog, the topic has already attracted almost 300 comments from viewers. Frankly, I’m not surprised. For many of those who have encountered the old CSA – be they parents, children or legal professionals – feelings about this deeply flawed organisation run high.
Readers who seek further information about CMEC may wish to read Rachel Baul’s recent guest post: From the CSA to CMEC: 10 Things That You Should Know.
On Monday I appeared on BBC Radio 4’s Law in Action programme, along with David Lister from Mishcon de Reya, to discuss the impending divorce between Madonna and Guy Ritchie.
On air, I was at pains to point out that these big celebrity cases can give the impression that divorce is always “an absolute nightmare” – when the truth is that the process can be far less painful.
Note: This blog receives lots of queries related to the Child Support Agency (CSA). Unfortunately, because of the complex and labyrinthine nature of CSA processes and rules, such questions often call for lengthy and long-winded answers. For this reason, it is difficult to answer such queries on an individual basis.
If you are seeking advice about a situation that involves the CSA, I recommend that you contact the National Association for Child Support Action: a hardworking organisation that can provide ongoing assistance, advice and support.
this post is so good!!
why do men get a way with not paying i have bin with child support for 4 year and not got no money they say that just whet 6 weeks and then a nether 6 weeks pas and so on and i am still waiting what can i do
Hi LIsa
I really do sympathise. Sometimes it’s very hard to get a result if you are stuck in the system and keep getting fobbed off. This shouldnt happen but what is going on I have no idea. You need to know exactly what is happening and clearly you dont. Have you tried your local MP for some help? There may be an MP’s surgery in your area you could visit to explain. Take with you all the correspondence you have from the CSA so he or she has a starting point. Or take it to your local CAB who can find out exactly what the problem is and advise you from there.
Best wishes