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Gay marriage could lead to polygamy, claims Lord Carey

Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey has claimed that  gay marriage could lead to polygamy.

Writing for think tank Civitas, the 77 year-old peer claimed that gay marriage represents a “paradigm shift in our understanding of marriage”. The government is, he claims, trying to change the definition of marriage to “a long-term commitment between two people of any sex, in which gender and procreation are irrelevant”.

This principle could result in “two sisters bringing up children together” or “multiple relationships, such as two women and one man”.

Ben Summerskill, chief executive of gay rights organisation Stonewall, said:

“This is regrettably hyperbolic shroud waving. We pray other peers will be a little more attuned to the 21st Century during next week’s debate.”

The House of Lords will debate the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill today.

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  1. Chuck Anziulewicz says:

    Here in the United States (where the Supreme Court is expected to rule on two very high profile marriage equality cases this month) we get a lot of this same hand-wringing: “OH, if you let Gay people marry, it’s just a slippery slope to polygamy and pederasty and bestiality and God only knows what else!”

    Fact is, polygamy is no more relevant to marriage for Gay couples than it is to marriage for Straight couples. Otherwise you could just as easily say, “If you allow a man to marry ONE woman, you have to let him marry as many women as he wants!”

    It’s just a red herring.

  2. George the Truth says:

    Re: “Gay marriage could lead to polygamy”

    Gee, why doesn’t it “lead to” arson”? Or murder? Or gluttony? Or sex with animals? Or baby-raping? Or necrophilia?

    Or to walkin’ down the street?

    Such foolish, unthinking red herrings.

  3. HMA Law says:

    Ludicrous, isn’t it? As it’s been stated in the two previous comments, gay marriage can’t be held responsible for any form of polygamy.

  4. Luke says:

    that gay marriage represents a “paradigm shift in our understanding of marriage”

    I don’t agree with this, marriage has become an unattractive state for men to be in, and this massive change has already occurred with no sign at all at present that it will change back.

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