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Child Maintenance Service: updated sets of resources now available

As the Government approaches the second stage of the roll-out of its Child Maintenance Service (the successor to the Child Support Agency), updated sets of resources for those working in the family support sector have been published on the Child Maintenance Options website.

Child Maintenance Options is part of the Department for Work and Pensions. A free and impartial information service, it helps parents make choices about child support.

As revealed on the blog last week, couples with two or more children are soon to be eligible for enrolment in the Child Maintenance Service. The Department for Work and Pensions “soft launched” the new child support scheme in December, with a pilot restricted to new applications from people with four or more children by the same partner.

At the time of writing, the Department of Work and Pension is “still on track for the 2012 child maintenance scheme to open to new applications from people with two or more children by the end of July 2013.” Because of this provisional time-frame, the Department has suggested that professionals in the family support sector should consider making any necessary preparations, such as scheduling website updates and briefing frontline staff.

The updated resources are as follows:

As previously noted, existing claims will continue under the Child Support Agency for the time being. The gradual transfer of all child support claims to the new service  will continue until 2017.

The blog team at Stowe is a group of writers based across our family law offices who share their advice on the wellbeing and emotional aspects of divorce or separation from personal experience. As well as pieces from our family law solicitors, guest contributors also regularly contribute to share their knowledge.


  1. John says:

    When the CSA transfer all cases from CSA 1 and CSA 2 to CSA 3. Will those (like me) who have been on CSA 1 for 13 years get 30% of their total payments back? Because I have been paying approximately 30% more in payments than those on CSA 1 and CSA 2!

    • Marilyn Stowe says:

      Dear John
      Thanks for the comment. You could just check your position with Child Maintenance Options.

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