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Government attempts to dispel foster care myths

The Department for Education has launched a social media initiative designed to dispel myths about fostering.

The so-called Fostering Mythbuster, featured on the department’s Facebook, Twitter and Flickr pages, addresses nine popular perceptions of fostering, contrasting these with the real situation in order to try and encourage more people to become foster carers.

The perceptions addressed are:

*I’m too older or too young to foster.

*I need to be married to foster.

*I can’t foster because I am unemployed.

*I need my own home to foster.

*I can’t foster because I’m LGB or T.

*I can’t foster because I have children of my own.

*I can’t foster because I have never been a parent.

*It will take forever to get approval.

*I can’t afford to support a child financially.

Recently reappointed Children’s Minister Edward Timpson said:

“As someone who grew up in a large fostering family, I know only too well that not only do those who foster often find it a hugely rewarding experience, but most importantly, the impact on the children they’ve cared for – and connected with – can be life-changing.”

View the Mythbuster here.

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