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Sharia law review launched

Home Secretary Theresa May has launched an independent enquiry into the use of Islamic law in England and Wales.

The review will investigate the extent to which Sharia law can be compatible with English law. A panel of experts has been appointed, to be chaired by Professor Mona Siddiqui of the School of Divinity at Edinburgh University, who received an OBE for her work in Christian-Muslim relations.

Assisting her will be retired High Court Judge Sir Mark Hedley and other family law experts. Two imams – Qari Asim and Sayed Ali Abbas Razawi – will also provide detailed input on Sharia law and Islam.

The review is intended to address concerns regarding certain aspects of Sharia law and the activity of some Sharia councils who are thought to promote social harm and discrimination, encouraging for example forced marriage and unfair divorce practices.

Home Secretary Theresa May said:

“Many British people of different faiths follow religious codes and practices, and benefit a great deal from the guidance they offer.”

But, she continued:

“A number of women have reportedly been victims of what appear to be discriminatory decisions taken by Sharia councils, and that is a significant concern. There is only one rule of law in our country, which provides rights and security for every citizen.”

The panel is expected to report in 2017.

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  1. Andy says:

    If sharia law is better than our current divorce law,then bring it on at least you know where you stand with proposed Sharia Law…not our British,out dated,feminist supporting,father hammering,joke and made up along the way,judgements in favour of feminists and all finances given to the mother…

    Clinging on to the bitter end of judges who have worked the system for years and got away with murder..we should allow other religions to see how out dated it is. Perhaps the other areas that would need to overview our current divorce laws and other joke laws that they might forget to bother with this as its too much of a joke to begin with.

  2. JamesB says:

    I agree with Andy. Trying to impose dodgy laws is not the way to go. Better to put in place fairer laws first. I.e. get own house in order before start telling others on how to run there’s. I can’t support any government moaning about Sharia marriages when their own marriage law is even worse and more unfair. Better if we had better secular law for all, worst case is bad current secular law for all hated by most and unfit for purpose. Reminds me of Marilyn saying a few weeks ago how our system is admired by all. Not the people on the receiving end of bad outcomes (most) and those who know how unfair it is and don’t have a vested interest in sticking up for it.

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