18th October is World Menopause Day – an awareness day dedicated to reducing stigma around the subject of the menopause and helping to improve knowledge and the support that is available for women going through perimenopause and the menopause.
The impact of menopause on relationships can be significant, so at Stowe we have collated some research and content to offer support for those going through the menopause and looking at the toll it can take on their marriage and relationship.
60% of divorces in the UK are initiated by women in their 40s-60s. These tend (although not always) to be when a woman goes through peri/menopause. Menopausal years are colloquially known as a ‘divorce danger zone’.
The number of women going through the menopause at any given time is approximately 3 million.
The emotional, physical, and psychological changes the menopause causes cannot be understated and, sadly, is still stigmatised.
Seeking professional support during this time is extremely important. Your GP will be able to set you on the right path for the medical help you may need. Many workplaces offer specific support for women going through perimenopause and the menopause, so talk to your employer about your options for workplace help, including things like flexible working.
Divorce coaches can be a fantastic source of support if you are going through the menopause and relationship breakdown.
We are sharing some resources below to point you in the right direction if you are finding that the menopause is having a detrimental impact on your quality of life and your marriage or relationship.
Divorce and the Menopause
Surviving divorce during the menopause – top tips
Dealing with relationship breakdown during menopause – Watch on YouTube with Dr Sue Palmer-Conn, leading UK certified Divorce Specialist and Chartered Psychologist or Listen on Spotify.
The Impact of Menopause on Relationships
Useful Links
Menopause Care – Specialist menopause care provided by accredited doctors and healthcare professionals
The Menopause Charity – a charitable organisation working to provide evidence-based information, helping to ensure everyone has equal access to appropriate treatment and support and eliminating stigma around the menopause.
Postcards from Midlife – working to change society’s archaic narrative on what it means to be a perimenopausal/menopausal woman.