Stress will manifest differently in different people. It is important to understand what is normal for you, and to know when something is not right. Often people with mental health issues will see physical effects and emotional ones.
read moreYour mindset will likely shift if you are experiencing divorce, stress, anxiety or depression. You may see signs like:
You may also experience physical symptoms, such as:
Everyone is different, and you may not experience any of the above, but if it is unusual for you, it is likely to mean a deeper issue with your stress levels.
It is important to remember that divorce stress is most likely to be temporary. If you are going through divorce, or have recently divorced, you are likely to be in a state of heightened emotion, which will eventually level out. Taking action and seeking support will help move the process forward, so you can progress to next steps.
read moreAs everyone experiences stress differently, coping with it is not an exact science.
The administrative tasks involved in divorce can be overwhelming, so getting the right legal advice from an expert family lawyer will help you navigate the various forms, negotiations, and decisions.
Whilst there is a great deal of stress around the divorce process, it is common for people to struggle with the stress of losing a relationship, restructuring a family, and general emotional upheaval of divorce. There are not always clear answers to this, and this can be hard for some people to grasp.
Don’t be hard on yourself. You are going through a lot, so be kind to yourself and treat yourself as you would a good friend going through a difficult time.
Divorce coaches work alongside your legal team to help you navigate and manage the emotions that come with divorce and separation. They are not trained legal professionals but have a knowledge of the divorce process so can assist you practically as well as emotionally.
Divorce coaches primarily focus on reframing your thinking, and building resilience, and are great to have alongside you.
Read more about divorce coaching and our partner divorce coaches.
If you are concerned about your stress levels and are finding symptoms hard to manage, it is a good idea to speak to your GP who may be able to help with the physical and mental concerns and refer you to counselling should you need it.
Your friends and family will want to help you. However, it is important to remember that they are not trained family lawyers, medical professionals or divorce coaches (unless you are very lucky). Remember to set boundaries around what you share with friends and family, and only share what you feel comfortable sharing.
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